STORY CIRCLE: February 13, 2022

STORY CIRCLE: February 13, 2022

from $14.00

Sunday, February 13, 2022
6pm - 8pm EDT via Zoom.
Open to all beings, bodies and genders.

An invitation to share and witness stories of when we’ve felt the sensations of what it means to love and be loved. Your story can manifest as a monologue, stream of consciousness, poem, song, movement, object, sound—prepared or unprepared. We welcome whatever you find alive, dying and lingering in your heart space.

No refunds on tickets for gatherings or courses.

The Zoom link will be emailed the day before the circle begins.

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If you don't wish to share within the circle, you're also welcome to participate as deep listeners gifting your attention. Attention is, after all, one of the greatest love offerings we can give to others and to ourselves.

As the host, Denise Shanté will create a poem in real-time that anonymously weaves the words and wisdom shared throughout the circle. Participants will receive this as a love offering that closes our time together with an audio recording of the poem post-gathering. This poem may appear on her website.

Please Note: This circle is not a place for critique. It's a communal space for honoring our multiple perspectives and expressions related to the complex notion of love.

As you prepare to enter the story circle:

• An experience flow and sign-up sheet will be sent the day before the event.

• You can contribute some love vibes to our collaborative Spotify playlist.

• For the circle, you're invited to surround yourself with energies, libations, objects, scents, and sounds that feel loving to you.

• A collective break/pause will be integrated.